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From the vine to you...

LBC Fine Wines was established in 2020 in an attempt to provide the best wines to the residents of Vientiane. We believe that all good occasions are made even better with beer and wine.
We operate under the Lao Brewery Company and set's out to find the best wines for you to enjoy.
We exist of a small and dedicated global team. We constantly strive to bring forward the best of what the global wineries can bring.
We store all of our wines in a temperature controlled environment, so you can be sure to get the best quality wines delivered to your house.
Everyday, we are pursuing the journey of perfection. We want you to experience excellent quality and value for money. Everyday we are working to broaden the understanding and knowledge of wines in Laos.
Our mission
We want you to enjoy one of the greatest pleasures in life.

Our values
We operate by key values
No underage drinking
The best our world can deliver
On your conditions

Contact us
Get in touch so we can start working together.